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"ISOFOM has helped me to grow not only as an artist, but as an individual. The city is abundantly rich in vibrance and color, and was a constant inspiration to me as I went through daily lessons, coachings, and diction classes. With the guidance and instruction of an absolutely world class staff, I have taken a massive step into finding my real voice, and seeing the impact I can make as an artist. ​I honestly can not thank you enough for all of the (not to be dramatic, but life changing) help and instruction you have provided me. I am so, so grateful."

- Amanda B. (Cuba/U.S.A.)

"ISOFOM, hosted in the beautiful colonial city of Morelia, surpassed my expectations by providing me with the instructional support, artistic direction, and performance opportunities required in my grad program in opera studies.  ISOFOM’s amazing team of established artists and mentors in the opera business brought out the best in each one of us; we’re all very grateful."

- Bianca O (Mexico/U.S.A.)

"Para mí, formar parte del festival fue una experiencia maravillosa y de la cual aprendí demasiado con cada uno de los maestros y compañeros, nunca olvidaré todo eso. Por supuesto estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad que me dieron y me encaría formar parte del festival nuevamente"

[The festival for me was a great experience because I made many friends and learned a lot with all of you. I feel grateful for the opportunity and I really want to be part of this again.]

- Yoselin G. (Mexico)

“The International Summer Opera Festival of Morelia’s incredible faculty furthered my desire to pursue what I love.  Everyday their passion and dedication to each of us inspired me and my colleagues. This combined with the extremely talented and hard-working group of students made this program invaluable to me as I received many hours of individual instruction and experience that I can build on for the rest of my career.”

- Rachel D (U.S.A.)

"The experience at ISOFMO was so multifaceted and wonderful; it took me to the next level as a professional and taught me how to better interact with industry professionals and colleagues. Morelia itself is the perfect city for opera because it is so historically beautiful that it enhances our artistic sensibilities, and inspired us all. I will be forever grateful to all of the well selected staff of professionals who taught us so much."

- Erika A (U.S.A.)


"היה אירוע מאוד מרגש ומיוחד שגרם לשיפור עצום בטכניקה של הקול שלי.זה גם גרם  לאפשרויות 

של השתתפויות בכל מיני ארועים מוזיקליים.

שיעורי הקול שניתנו על ידי מר קולן לבן ומאסטר קלאסס שניתנו על ידי  קירסטן צ'מברס וטיפאני אבאן עזרו לי מאוד כמו כן גם טכניקת ההוראה. 

הערב האחרון שלי במורליה שבו התקיימה הגאלה,היה ארוע מאוד מרגש ומכיל.ארוע מיחד שאי אפשר לשכוח.ארוע שגורם לך לרצות עוד ועוד ועוד.

זה היה נפלא!!!!

אני מודה ל ISOFOM על הזכות הגדולה להשתתף בארוע.

הלל אדיב."

[ISOFOM was an incredible experience that greatly improved my technique and gave me wonderful performance opportunities. The voice lessons given by Colin Levin, and Masterclasses were incredibly helpful; their teaching styles were very effective. The final gala was a night that I will never forget, and an amazing opportunity to sing with a an orchestra in a beautiful space. Thank you ISOFOM!]

- Hillel A. (Israel)

"The faculty is made up of current working professionals with incredible insight into the modern opera business, and are excited to help young singers on their journeys. Over the three weeks of this festival, we had a diverse range of performances, including a scenes program, a sacred music concert and culminating in the final gala. Each of these events took place in increasingly beautiful venues, each more memorable than the last. In addition to having a wonderful faculty, the festival maintains a close relationship with the city of Morelia, allowing for some of the most memorable performance experiences I have ever had. I cannot recommend highly enough this festival to anyone interested in pursuing a career in opera."

- Ethan B. (U.S.A.)

"ISOFOM was a truly enlightening and enriching experience for me. I learned so much from the talented faculty and enjoyed working with so many wonderful performers. I also loved living and performing in such a vibrant, historic city for three weeks. This is a program I would absolutely participate in again next year!"

- Mackenzie W. (U.S.A.